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It's Fun to be One ~ Denver Metro Area Baby Photographer

Lil Miss E turned One last month, and today couldn't have been a more beautiful day for her One Year Portraits. I have photographed E since she was born, and it's been so fun to see her grow over the past year. E is always so serious, but today I caught some smiles! Baby smiles (other than those caused by gas as infants) are always so funny, and way over the top. None of these images are of her smiling, but promise I finally got some! This session has been my most favorite by far w/Lil E over the past year.

E liked my lil baby chairs...

How cute are her lil jacket and bonnet?

I wonder what the ppl who work at this place are going to think when they see lil hand prints on their front door. I hope it makes them smile.

Thanks for coming over Auntie and Cousin E! Hope you enjoy the sneak peek, I stayed up extra late cause I was so excited to post it for you.

1 comment:

Gabensysmom said...

**gasp** THe jacket!! These are wonderful, I'm sure the family will love them!

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